Welcome to Elynlon

As our spacecraft descended onto the atmosphere of Elynlon Prime, we, the newcomers, were immediately struck by a sense of enigmatic foreboding. This planet, with its history of poignant ambition and haunting desolation, carried an aura of bewilderment that seemed to permeate every inch of its landscape.


Elynlon Prime had once been the beacon of hope for colonization, a world teeming with promise and opportunity. However, as our ship touched down, we were met with a terrain that defied all expectations. The remnants of forsaken research stations—Aegis, Atlas, and the Leviathan—lay strewn across the planet's surface like haunting specters from a distant past. Our arrival had come long after the dreams of the earlier settlers had been shattered, their aspirations lost to the unforgiving cosmos.


The Novastar space station, once a symbol of human endeavor and the promise of connectivity with the galaxy beyond, cast an eerie, fading glow upon the planet. Its dimming lights served as a somber reminder of hopes that had once burned brightly, only to vanish into the shadows of obscurity. As newcomers, we were welcomed not by the anticipated bustling activity but by an unsettling silence, broken only by the soft hum of our spacecraft as it descended toward the desolation below.

Our initial steps onto Elynlon Prime's surface were an eerie and emotional experience. The structures, once laden with the dreams of colonization, now stood as silent witnesses to the struggles and battles that had unfolded here. Aegis station, battered by unpredictable weather patterns, had witnessed its once-thriving crop fields being overtaken by wild weeds, a poignant testament to the untamed forces of nature.


In contrast, Atlas station bore the scars of a conflict with a hostile native species. Its defenses lay shattered, its halls deserted. As we moved through its corridors, it was as though the very walls whispered tales of the fierce battles that had raged within its confines.


The Leviathan station, once a symbol of human achievement, now stood as a mere shadow of its former self. Power outages had taken a toll on its inhabitants, and the life that had once thrived within its chambers had faded, leaving only echoes of past glory.


Amidst the desolation, we witnessed a surreal sight—the relentless work of android drones, ceaselessly toiling away. These mechanical beings moved with an unwavering determination, repairing, salvaging, and cleaning as if bound by an eternal duty. Their ceaseless efforts contrasted starkly with the pervasive silence that enveloped the research stations. There were no living humans to be found, yet the androids continued their tasks with a mechanical persistence that left us in a state of awe and wonder.

Turning our gaze to the dead moon, known as "Xantis," that silently orbited Elynlon Prime, we were overcome by a profound sense of foreboding. Legends spoke of a desolate city on Xantis, once a refuge for galactic outlaws and criminals seeking a life beyond the law. But the truth was far more chilling.


Xantis had fallen victim to an ancient, malevolent presence that had awakened from beneath the moon's surface. This cosmic terror had unleashed chaos upon the city's inhabitants, leading to desperate battles in the moon's labyrinthine tunnels. The once-thriving society was extinguished, not by the law, but by a force far more ruthless.

Our journey into this enigmatic world unearthed a history of despair etched into the very core of Elynlon Prime. It was a legacy of an expedition that had dared to tame the wild, only to fall prey to the merciless grip of an ancient predator. The survivors had fought valiantly, but their presence had dissipated into the cosmic void, leaving behind unanswered questions and an unsettling silence that shrouded the planet.


Elynlon Prime now stood as a solemn testament to human ambition and its confrontation with the unyielding cosmos. Our arrival served as a poignant reminder of the challenges that had been faced and the lives that had been lived and lost. As we journeyed forth into the unknown, we couldn't help but wonder if we, too, would become part of the planet's enigmatic legacy or if we would uncover the truths that had eluded those who had come before us.